Friday, January 22, 2010

What Happens During A Cough Headac 3 Year Olds Cough During Evening And Night?

3 year olds cough during evening and night? - what happens during a cough headac

My son has a cough for several weeks. It seems that go when you go to bed. I have a humidfier in his room and does not seem to make a difference. It was the doctor twice and she says her lungs are clear.

Sometimes he wakes up in the middle of the night coughing. I opened the window (if it does not Krupp) and do much. Relax disadvantages cough a little.



luveeduv... said...

My son had the same problem. Every evening, especially in the early hours of the morning, cough. Not a real productive cough, but a dry cough, tickling and much scratching in the throat. Sun disadvantages cough medicine did not work. It turned out that he has asthma. Not the typical kind of whistle, but a mild form causes chronic cough / cough. Worse, during the night (not sure why they are located, changes in body temperature, etc.). I would like, if your insurance can make an appointment with the Asthma and Allergy Children's MD. If your insurance does not, without a referral, call your MD and ask. Do some research on childhood asthma and see if other symptoms are correlated. Good luck. Incidentally, my son is 6 and has almost overcome symptoms and are not medicines.

Liome said...

luveeduve ... is correct, my daughter has been released a lot of sleep was soooooo very bad mood that morning was a big problem when school started! We had to remove the tonsils) adnoids (proposed by Dr. because it was so bad he could breathe half session well enough sleep to find the rest. Now his son can overcome, I will not just be angry if you're in a bad mood, as he did. She could not help it.

hummingb... said...

Benadryl and put in the steam vaperizor VAPO.

fsl04286... said...

Find a dietary supplement powder that can quickly absorb. It helped me in my frequent cough, runny nose, sore throat in the last 4 years.

ss3grown... said...

Lighters or maybe hes got something. Natrual try a medication that works for me, for the chemical industry aggravated my allergies. Although my symptoms are sneezing, however, only take place the night before a bath.

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